The Editors
September 30, 2005

With Fall's arrival there are a lot of things to do to get ready for colder temperatures and shorter days. On GUTSY, we devised a way to put together articles about food, movies, global warming and even Joan Rivers. Here's some of what you might have missed.

In the first week, Guido Alvarez wasn't sure he was good at what he does but that didn't stop him from crossing the line into controversy. Not to be outdone, Mark Sanders gave job advice. Rusty Mitchell let loose his inner pirate and Ann Whitehurst found good Chinese food. Paul Pereira liked Jim Jarmusch.

This week, Heather Manske found a better fish via a taste test while Paul Pereira worried about damaging the Earth. Mark Sanders decoded the name of a newspaper and saw Joan Rivers "helping" hurricane victims.

Have a great weekend and tell a friend about GUTSY.

not gutsy
Mark Sanders
September 28, 2005

I turned on my televison this morning and saw Joan Rivers swinging a hammer. Her face looked like it was made of nothing more than putty and bronzer or a stylist had taken an eraser and removed all the details. She was wearing a a blazer, cropped and salmon-colored, black satin pants and showing Cynthia Nixon the proper hammering technique. And I thought to myself, is this what helping others has become?

Heather Manske
September 26, 2005

So, about two months ago I ran my mouth about a fish market article I read in New York Magazine, and how fish from grocery stores will never compare to fish from actual fish markets. I balked at that, and so I promised a fish taste off, not unlike the Pepsi Challenge of years ago. Well, I finally did it and this is what I found.

Full Meal.jpg

Mark Sanders
September 26, 2005

pic•a•yune (pik-ah-yoon) adj. 1. Of little value or importance; paltry. 2. Petty; mean. n. 1. A Spanish-American half-real piece formerly used in parts of the southern United States. 2. A five-cent piece. 3. Something of very little value; a trifle.

Guido Alvarez
September 23, 2005


Ann Whitehurst
September 21, 2005

In contrast to the bad Chinese restaurant experience about which Mark wrote a while back, I'd like to describe the meal I had this evening.

Paul Pereira
September 21, 2005

broken flowers.jpg

Mark Sanders
September 21, 2005

This question was posed to me years ago: when starting a new job, what three items should you bring? Keenly aware that first impressions last a potential lifetime, this is how I answered.

Rusty Mitchell
September 19, 2005


Today be Talk Like A Pirate Day. Unleash yer inner pirate, or I'll be makin' ye scurvy dogs walk the plank!

Guido Alvarez
September 19, 2005


The Editors
September 16, 2005

To get the Weekly Digest back on schedule, we thought we would compile a list of what has been happening on GUTSY since Monday.

Mark Sanders started the week with images from a recent vacation, and also told of another issue facing the Red Cross. Rusty Mitchell gave us all a patriotic drink of water while Guido Alvarez showed us how he see "USers." Finally, Sandie Maxa gave her approval of blue tennis courts.

Have a great weekend and tell a friend about GUTSY.

Guido Alvarez
September 15, 2005


Mark Sanders
September 15, 2005


The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has a problem. Not all of the nations in the world are happy with their primary identifier, the red cross. Although this is not the first time the symbol has come under fire (a red crescent was added as an acceptable symbol in the Nineteenth Century during the war between Russia and Turkey), a new search is on for a truly benign, unconnotative and neutral symbol with which to represent the organization in countries who are not comfortable displaying a cross or crescent.

Sandie Maxa
September 14, 2005


Photo of Martina Navratilova's (in blue shorts) mixed doubles match.

I love the US Open. I experienced the tennis extravaganza for the third time and grew even more fond of the event this year. It's a great way to watch a lot of tennis in a venue where you can get close to the action. One caveat: a rainy day would definitely lower the score.

Rusty Mitchell
September 12, 2005

It took just forty-eight hours after the events of September 11th to set into action two of the most painful projects that were created in the three years that I worked in the creative services department of a Christian focused record label. The person heading up these projects said our company had something that people needed, and we would be remiss not to share it. He actually used the analogy of a person in the desert who needs a drink of water; would you deny a drink if you had it?

Mark Sanders
September 12, 2005


The Editors
September 12, 2005

It's Monday and we haven't sent a Weekly Digest in quite some time. A vacation and holiday have thrown the schedule out of whack. Because of that, we thought we would send a special beginning of the week digest of what has been published on GUTSY recently.

Sandie Maxa shared her memories of New Orleans and Ann Whitehurst helped out a neighbor in distress. Guido Alvarez found a way to purchase worthless college degrees. Paul Pereira still wasn't sure about becoming a parent. Evan Mann thought the leader of the free world might still have a problem. Rusty Mitchell shared a song that makes him happy. Mark Sanders got another haircut and finished the summer off with several glasses of rosé.

And finally, we would like to say thank you to contributor David Steadman for guest editing last week in our absence.

Have a great week and remember to tell a friend about GUTSY.

Rusty Mitchell
September 9, 2005

Pure good times. I encourage you to go to Andrew Thompson's website and listen to the song "We're In Business".

Evan Mann
September 9, 2005
Guido Alvarez
September 7, 2005


editors note
The Editors
September 5, 2005

Please welcome regular contributor David Steadman as guest editor for this week while our regular editors are away on a much needed vacation. If you have any problems using the site or if something doesn't look right, please let David know.

Sandie Maxa
September 1, 2005


Like my fellow Americans, I've been watching the news footage of Hurricane Katrina's destruction with sadness. The losses in the beautiful city of New Orleans (and the rest of the Gulf Coast) are devasting. Let's hope our country is able to help rebuild a city with as much charm and grace as it had before the storm. Here is what I loved about New Orleans on my first and only visit.