Haircut Confessional 4

Last Haircut: 5 weeks ago
Day of Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Dinner
Salon Bustle: Moderate
Stylist Demeanor: Cordial, playful
Physical Contact: Moderate (vigorous head rubbing while styling hair)
Quotes from Stylist: "He knows I'm working; why's he calling?" "You are getting shorter each time, no?" "I wish all my clients were as easy as you." "You are easy."
Tip: $5.00

guido, Aug 30 2005 7:28PM

so you ARE easy...
confirmed by a professional hair grabber

paul, Aug 31 2005 10:05AM

I'm impressed with your timely manner you get a haircut.
I usually wait till my girlfriend complains about how long my hair is getting before I cut it. Sometimes I wait 2 months before I cut it. Sometimes I get lazy and don't feel like going to the barber. Sometimes I cut my own hair with the electric razor - number 2 clip.

mark, Aug 31 2005 12:02PM

guido - i am actually very difficult.

paul - hadn't realized how regular my haircuts were until i started chronicling them on GUTSY. one of my most grave social fears is cutting someone else's hair. i avoid it at all costs, especially straightening bangs. best left to the pros in my humble opinion.