July 16 - July 29 Weekly Digest
The Editors

Due to the observance of Summer hours at GUTSY headquarters, we did not publish a digest last week. We suspect until Fall, this might continue to be the norm. Without further pause here are the two-week super-duper highlights.

During the first week, Mark Sanders got something for nothing. Pete Hofmann received an icey stare when he mimed good hygiene and Sandie Maxa needed more than a t-shirt slogan to get to know someone. Guido Alvarez wanted to be a fish while Heather Manske craved the taste of a truly fresh fish.

This past week Paul Pereira ate exotically in Brooklyn. Ann Whitehurst learned to knit and preferred to shop alone. Evan Mann showed a video of life in the future while Guido Alvarez wondered about his future. Mark Sanders went in for another haircut and warned about a macabre bird feeder. David Steadman showed his true colors and last but not least Sandie Maxa has a twin who is not her clone.

Have a great weekend and tell a friend about GUTSY.