Mark Sanders
April 26, 2006

Last Haircut:
7.5 weeks ago
Day of Week: Monday
Time of Day: Lunch
Salon Bustle: Very Low
Stylist Demeanor: Calm, distracted
Physical Contact: Moderate (neck/ear blowing)
Quotes from Stylist: "My breath is stinky; let me get a Coke." "Those potatoes are arguing with my stomach." "You don't have to get the same haircut."
Tip: $5.00

The Editors
April 21, 2006

With the tax deadline out of the way and Spring in the air, we can hardly imagine what new topics our contributors will find to bring to GUTSY. Beans, shopping carts, country music and more were explored in the last couple of weeks. You never know what you might find.

Guido Alvarez took pictures in an unmentionable place and explored theft as a possible form of justice. Heather Manske downloaded instant gratification while Mark Sanders wasn't impressed by Kenny Rogers. Tom Graham (and partner) acquired a wall full of tiny art and hates getting rid of beans. Rusty Mitchell chuckled at who gets interviewed in the midst of a storm. Last but not least, Sandie Maxa marveled at improvements to the humble shopping cart.

Have a great weekend and tell a friend about GUTSY.

Guido Alvarez
April 17, 2006


In May, The DaVinci Code will hit cinemas all over the world. But in the 3W® the future... is past.

Sandie Maxa
April 14, 2006

On a recent trip to the Twin Cities I was talking to my mom about plans to replace the existing "regular" Target with a new Super Target on University Avenue in St. Paul. A plan to move the building back from the street 100 yards is being rejected by the community board because many in the neighborhood access the store via the bus. If the new Target moves a block south, shoppers would have to carry their goods quite a distance to reach the bus stop. What about using carts?

Heather Manske
April 13, 2006

Tonight. I downloaded my first song. Ever. Off of the Internet. (Legally, of course. Paid for via itunes. I don't steal music.)

I've always smugly said "I don't download" when asked the types of music I get from the Internet. Or, when I read the New York Magazine "Look Book" or some such other "real person interview" where they ask "What's the last song you downloaded?" I was always just daring someone to interview me just so I could say "I don't download. I buy CDs." But, tonight I caved...

Rusty Mitchell
April 7, 2006


We are currently in the midst of a Tornado Warning in middle Tennessee. Tornados have become commonplace during this time of year. As real as the threat is, I always have to laugh at the people they round up to interview for the local news outlets.

not gutsy
Mark Sanders
April 5, 2006

I'm not ashamed to admit it; I don't like the music of Kenny Rogers. And his latest return to popular country music is so sentimental, dated and hokey that the single "I Can't Unlove You" sounds like a parody before it even finishes. Not to mention the obvious comparisons to the often humored "I wish I could quit you..." phrase from that movie from last year.

Tom Graham
April 3, 2006


ok, i'll admit it. no need for you to hear it from someone else. ahem. i am addicted to tiny showcase.

Guido Alvarez
April 3, 2006


Tom Graham
April 3, 2006

beans.jpeg(Photo courtesy of the Oh So Vari Shari)

Why beans? Beans are nutritious, tasty and economical. They are a wonderful complement to, or centerpiece of, a great meal. I wish to always have a batch at the ready.