August 06
  • Kinetic sculptor creates fantastic beests. (sm)

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  • I'm not sure this photo gallery is helping change the image and status of street vendors in New York. (ms)

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  • From Pet Peeves to Bored at Work, dig deep into people's lives through their lists. To-Do used to be a zine and now it's a blog.(sm)

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  • Tell me all about my brain, will ya? (bh)

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  • They used to make Crayons this way. I'm guessing there have been some production improvements over the years, though. (ms)

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  • "Don't be shy about pulling something you like out of the trash." Northwest Airlines offers this and other tips in the booklet 101 Ways to Save Money, which was given to its laid-off employees. (sm)

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  • Have state fairs lost their place in modern society? A trip to the Minnesota State Fair makes me think otherwise. (ms)

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  • Cooking contests, however, are still the bomb. (ms)

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  • How do I get there in NYC? Check this subway hack of Google Maps. (bh)

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  • If kittens aren't enough, how about Cats in Sinks. (ms)

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  • Uh oh. It's a KITTENWAR (ms)

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  • Is air conditioning contributing to global warming? You bet it is. (ms)

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  • Sweet Jesus...don't make me eat it. (esm)

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  • I can't put my finger on why but there is something compelling about this photographic collection of homemade shivs. (ms)

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