July 06
  • Is it possible to hate the s'more? (ms)

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  • On clear summer days in New York some odd 'clouds' that spell out messages can sometimes be seen forming overhead. Welcome to the world of Skytyping. (ms)

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  • Did you know that you look at an egg 3 times before you crack it open? Advertisers know... and have found a way to interrupt your breakfast! (sm)

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  • Actual AP headline: "Mr. T Sheds Gold After Katrina Destruction." He also admits he is "qualified to beat up people." (ms)

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  • Slate held an Unidentifiable Wedding Gifts Contest. The winning object is truly bizarre. Click photo to see detail. (sm)

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  • With an expected release date in August there is finally a trailer available for Michel Gondry's Science of Sleep (and also in French). (ms)

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  • Here is a video of and glowing critical evaluation of Zinedine Zidane's headbutting technique. (ms)

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  • I like the transformed bus stop in this IKEA photo exhibit. (ms)

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