Some Target Gift Cards I Collect

I usually walk up to the counter and pick one of these gift cards up then slip it into either my back pocket or jacket pocket. I haven't been arrested yet.


Some of these gift cards are very cool. For example: the Rubber Ducky gift card seems to be made out of rubber material. The Snowglobe one has confetti inside it you can actually shake. The Rudolph the Reindeer's nose actually lights up when you press the button it has on the backside. The Card with the Monkey & the Bananas actually smells like bananas. There is also the Mood card that changes color when you touch it.

These are some of the really cool cards they make at Target. I've been collecting them now for 2 years. But I am very selective because they do have what I consider cliched gift cards. These are chosen because they stood out to me for one reason or another. Next time you get to go to a Target check out the gift cards around the register.

Ann, Jun 27 2005 12:12AM

Designing and producing those cards would be a fun job! My previous job involved working in print production, but I never had the chance to work on a scratch-&-sniff project or on anything that smelled. Producing those banana-scented cards would be cool, I imagine.

paul, Jun 27 2005 8:23AM

they seem to be fun, i would love to come up with the ideas for gift cards. right now i'm working a job thats pretty much print production. it boring and once in a while i get to design stuff, but its very rare. i actually looking for a new job right now.

mark, Jun 27 2005 3:03PM

what else do you take from target? i'm amazed by the amount of scoping you need to do to be "very selective" about which cards you lift. the act seems highly premeditated and also a good indication of how well impulse item placement really works.

i guess since the card is worthless unless it is activated then your personal hit to target's bottom line is very low.

paul, Jun 27 2005 3:35PM

I do not take anything else from Target! I go there maybe every two weeks, my girlfriend is a big supporter of Target. Nowadays the giftcards are strewn throughout the store. In the aisle's -sometimes by the outdoor furniture or by kids toys. So you don't have to go up to the register to pick them up.

But I also collect cards from Starbucks. I thought I was the only one doing this until one day I put Starbucks gift card on eBay and found out many people doing the same thing, but they are actually trying to sell them to other people. Check it out.

Sandie, Jun 27 2005 5:42PM

I got the opporutnity to help out on the print production of a media kit while freelancing for Better Homes & Gardens' Family Food Collection which includes newsstand-only magazines like 100 Best Christmas Cookies and Simply Perfect Slow Cooker Recipes. The folder included scratch and sniff stickers on the cover to coincide with recipe cards included in the kit. It was fun, but you'd be amazed at how many bad smells you encounter on the way to replicating wafts of a fresh baked apricot tart.

paul, Jun 27 2005 11:42PM

i forgot to add my sponge bob card that when you press the button, there is a recorded laugh.