What My Family Eats #2


As I continue to chronicle the meals my family regularly eats I thought I would honor one of our Summer staples; the turkey burger. Not only because we make it when the temperatures are warm and inviting, but also because we prepare it during Winter when we want to be reminded of better weather.

To make sure the meat has enough fat, we buy ground turkey that is in patty form even though we reshape them. Be sure not to purchase breast meat only since it has too little fat to hold the patties together while cooking without the addition of egg.


Turkey Burgers

1 lb. - ground turkey
2 tbsp. - worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. - salt
1/2 tsp. - pepper
1/2 tsp. - dried thyme
4 buns

Heat your grill to medium-hot (since we live in a condo that prohibits grills, we use a stove top grill pan which allows us to comfortably make this meal year round). In a bowl combine, using your hands, the turkey, worcestershire, salt, pepper and thyme. Do not mix excessively. Form four round patties approximately 3/4 inch thick from the mixture.

Once the grill is heated, place the patties on. Cook 8-10 minutes on both sides or until firm. Since this is poultry, never cook the burgers below medium-well.

Toast buns and top with whatever condiments and/or vegetables you like. We suggest serving with store-bought frozen tater tots.

Serves 4.

Ann, Aug 23 2005 12:39AM

Looks tasty! Do you apply ketchup to the tots?
Will you be documenting a breakfast meal sometime?

mark, Aug 23 2005 8:20AM

ketchup & tots go together like cowboys & horses. it's required.

i'm not much of a morning person. most (if not all) of the morning cooking falls on my wife's shoulders. perhaps she will share her remarkable scone recipe or any other of her morning delights.

karl, Aug 23 2005 11:27AM

you're making me wish i had stopped for some hasbrowns on the way in this morning.

David, Aug 23 2005 3:16PM

Your dishes are looking pretty good. I'm not going to bother posting any of our dishes, since 95% of our recipes come from Mollie Katzen. I'm not much of a chef, but apparently I'm good at following orders. Nice picture though. Very Napoleon Dynamite.

sandie, Aug 24 2005 4:17PM

long live the tots!
david- i like the Moosewood cookbook and one called the Enchanted Broccoli Forest. excellent recipes like quiche and cranapple walnut cake. i'll have to augment mark's "what my family eats" column with my scone-makin' process or another breakfast treat soon.