A Change in the Calendar
I've never been much of a prankster when it comes to April 1. But I have been on the receiving side a couple of times. Although as I think back only one such incident comes to mind: the break-up.
Matters of the heart have always impacted me with particular pain. There have been family weekends away during Junior High after a Friday night love connection that damn near blew my chest out. And anxious waits for the phone to ring from a current sweetheart was how I spent lots of evening while adolescent. So imagine my horror when I received a note saying that a long standing 'going steady' was over. And for no reason.
Panic ensued. Followed by doubts. And then total deflation.
But a delayed confrontation gave me my answer: it was all a great big underwear pull in the honor of April 1. Oh, we laughed and I looked stupid but the only thing that remains from that relationship is the memory of her awful trick.
Have a happy April 1.
A cruel hearted story...
I remember a particular April Fools Day when I told my six-year old sister that she had a spider crawling up her arm. Of course there was no such spider but she screamed like a little girl. And I laughed....
A little girl screaming like a little girl. Now that paints a vivid picture.
Good to see creulty is alive and well among identical twins. And which is the evil one?
That's what I thought.