Two Things That Make Me Giggle

I am not a proponent of gratuitous email forwarding or link broadcasting. But I have found two online items that have given me a chuckle for the last couple of weeks. The first is probably only funny if you have a little specific knowledge of the two people involved. It is entitled A Selection from George W. Bush's Eavesdropping Tapes: Matthew Barney and Björk Place an IKEA Phone Order and is courtesy of Chris McCoy and McSweeney's. The second is the aptly titled which requires little knowledge of anything.

sandie, Jan 27 2006 5:49PM

The 100 patty In-n-Out burger is the grossest thing I've seen in a while. Don't miss the link on the Super Size site to the blog of the guy who ordered the 100 patty marvel.

There are some great detail shots of the experience, the receipt ($97.66) and a nutrition chart (the horror!)

Heather, Jan 30 2006 9:53PM

Thanks for the link to the McSweeneys story... I'm still laughing as I write this. (while also being horrified by that meat-er-iffic site you also linked to.)