Haircut Confessional 6

Last Haircut: 9 weeks ago
Day of Week: Friday
Time of Day: Late Afternoon
Salon Bustle: Extreme
Stylist Demeanor: Exhausted, preoccupied
Physical Contact: Low (aggressive hair pulling)
Quotes from Stylist: "Does that burn?" "Everyone is sick." "I don't have anyone new for the rest of the day which means I won't have to talk anymore."
Tip: $5.00

*actual haircut took place a week ago.

karl, Jan 16 2006 12:56PM

i think you need to post pictures of the cuts. we could rate the different styles and all have a good laugh at your expense.

mark, Jan 17 2006 9:20AM

i've been getting the exact same haircut for the last 4 years. could be boring to see how little risk i take with my hair.

i must admit that i like sitting down and having to say nothing to my hair stylist. have always found that conversation to be awkward and undesirable so i like being able to avoid it.