I get a lot of junk mail. Every day I open and then promptly throw out four to six envelopes worth of mail. Today I thought I would try to get something more out of this disposable communication than my regular complaining and paper cuts. And so I proudly present a Mad-Lib based on one of the offers for your hopeful entertainment.
INSTRUCTIONS: Print out the following letter. By asking a friend to provide a noun (n.), corporation (corp.), person in room (per.), adjective (adj.), verb (v.), verb ending in -ing (ving.) or adverb (adv.) fill in each of the blanks. When all the blanks are filled, read the resulting letter.
Dear ___________ (per.):
With the new ___________ (corp.) ___________ (adj.) ___________ (n.) Card, you'll get a ___________ (adj.) ___________ (n.) program without having to give up a ___________ (adj.) 0% introductory ___________ (n.) until May 2007.
We know saving ___________ (n.) is important so we're offering you a 0% ___________ (adj.) APR. You'll ___________ (v.) no ___________ (n.) on any credit card ___________ (n.) and ___________ (n.) transfers you make with the ___________ (corp.) ___________ (n.) Card through your billing ___________ (n.) ending in May 2007.
Our new ___________ (adj.) ___________ (n.) gives you a ___________ (n.). You can ___________ (v.) 1% on all ___________ (n.) to use toward any new ___________ (n.) or ___________ (n.); a full 3% toward any eligible, new ___________ (corp.) ___________ (n.), ___________ (n.) or ___________ (n.) or 1% ___________ (n.) back.
Other reward ___________ (n.) that offer you a 0% ___________ (adj.) APR charge annual ___________ (n.) of $100 or more. The ___________ (corp.) ___________ (adj.) ___________ (n.) Card has no annual ___________ (n.) whatsoever!
It's time you got ___________ (adv.) what you want from a ___________ (n.). A 0% ___________ (adj.) APR and your choice of ___________ (n.). ___________ (ving.) is as easy as ___________ (ving.) 1-800-XXX-XXXX or ___________ (ving.) to XXXXXX.com/XXXX. Or ___________ (v.) the attached ___________ (n.)
___________ (per.)