Post your Workspaces

workspace (1).JPG

I thought it would be interesting if people posted their job workspaces or their home work space or even both. I always find it fascinating to take a small peek and see how people work. Maybe its the voyeur in me but I like to see if people are messy or super neat. Also I thought it would be fun way for everyone who reads GUTSY to join together and participate in one big project. Of course if you feel this is violating your privacy you don't have to participate. To get this started, here's my workspace at my job.

mark, Aug 23 2006 9:47AM

looks like a mighty creative space. what little touches have you added to make it feel like home? i don't see any photos.

Paul, Aug 24 2006 12:10AM

well if you look carefully in the upper left hand corner above the pantone books but below the shelf you'll see my plastic cup - its the little touches that makes it feel like home.

i'll be posting pics of my home office very soon...