Bike For Sale (To A Good Home)


In a fit of apartment cleaning on a rainy Saturday, I posted an ad on Craig's List to sell my 1993 not-ridden-since-the-2002-bus-strike bike that was taking up valuable space in the kitchen. I got a few bites, but no takers. I re-posted the ad this morning and got five replies in one hour. Not surprisingly, people browse the internet looking for used bikes during the work day lull from 2-3pm.

A novice to Craig's List, I was surprised that most of the email responses were less than ten words:

hi. still have it?
women's mountainbike, still available? thanks
When can I see the bike? I live in Astoria
interested in bike

And this email is from the person who bought the bike (the first respondent):

please call me at (phone number), I am in woodside, can go get it any time you want.

I bought the bike shortly after college, making it my first big purchase with money from my first full-time job. It had a good life. I took it trail riding, over miles of bike paths on the streets of St. Paul and around the lakes of Minneapolis. When my car was in the shop in Richmond, it transported me to a cat-sitting obligation a couple of miles away. I wanted to see my Specialized Hardrock Ultra go to a good home.

Because of the bike's small frame, I was expecting someone who looked like me to buy the bike: woman, under 5'2", youngish, sporty. But when the first interested party called in, it was a guy who said he had a van and could come right away. My first thought...chop shop. My second poor bike! But a little cash and more space were good motivators. I told him to come by at 5:00.

I'm pretty sure I sold my bike to a Chinese food delivery guy. And in the end I am actually quite proud to contribute to his livelihood. Like typical New Yorkers, my husband and I order takeout several times a month. And I'm always amazed how quickly it arrives. No doubt due to good bikes.

mark, Jun 7 2006 12:22PM

i have to say my favorite part of the exchange was watching our potential buyer point to a dilapidated minivan and saying that it was his car before hopping on the pink/purple bike and riding up the street.

most of me at that point was certain that he would keep riding into the sunset along with the $75 purchase price. alas he turned around and we got both the money and the extra kitchen space.

Heather, Jun 7 2006 10:22PM

Congrats on selling the bike! That was fast--you were just telling me about that the other day.

Glad you found a good home for it.

Matthew, Jun 12 2006 1:54PM

I too purchased a bicycle with my first full time job paycheck. Instead of selling it, I have recently reinvested in cycling. I had street tires fitted and bought a trailer to haul 2 kids, like a little tow behind rickshaw. Fortunately, it stays in the cellar next to the abandoned boiler when not in use, so it doesn't interfere with cooking like yours did. A cyclist friend recently turned me on to the special requirements for dedicated NYC cyclists. Another reason to move to Durham. (check out for details) Up with Q, you need to fix their website! Beautiful products, ugly presentation.

sandie, Jun 14 2006 9:37AM

Yeah, I'll probably get another bike if we move to a more bike-friendly neighborhood, but right now I'm happy to rent one when the urge strikes me.

I've seen those fold-up bikes from on the subway. Definitely the way to go if you live in a small apartment. Has anyone ridden one?