
It took just forty-eight hours after the events of September 11th to set into action two of the most painful projects that were created in the three years that I worked in the creative services department of a Christian focused record label. The person heading up these projects said our company had something that people needed, and we would be remiss not to share it. He actually used the analogy of a person in the desert who needs a drink of water; would you deny a drink if you had it?

Without further ado allow me to present this drink of water, "America's Favorite Patriotic Songs" and "America's Favorite Patriotic Songs for Kids".


Robb Fladry, Sep 13 2005 1:44PM

That made me vomit a little.

mark, Sep 13 2005 2:13PM

out of curiosity, which hand-on-heart songs were considered "favorites"? please say it included that lee greenwood classic.

Sandie, Sep 13 2005 3:55PM

I think a lot of people didn't know what to "do" after Sept. 11. This sentiment was captured pretty well by The Onion. In one of their first issues after the tragedy, they ran a story titled, "Not Knowing What Else To Do, Woman Bakes American-Flag Cake"

Rusty, Sep 13 2005 10:42PM

For the sake of clarification, I declined to work on these projects. They were choral recordings of ol' favorites.

Here is the track list for the non-kids (with a backward s or z or whatever) version. Let's just assume the kids version is more of the same sung by little kids who don't know any better.

1. America the Beautiful
2. God Bless America
3. This Land Is Your Land
4. The Star-Spangled Banner
5. Armed Forces Medley
6. My Country, 'Tis of Thee
7. God bless the U. S. A.
8. The Battle Hymn of the Republic
9. If My People
10. God Save America
11. The Stars and Stripes Forever